SSL support

Maintaining a secure connection to your database is highly desirable in a production environment, even if not already enforced by the database configuration. MigrateDB can easily be configured to use SSL to establish a secure connection as and when required, provided the relevant database and JDBC driver also support SSL. Although details will vary between databases, the process to configure them is as follows:

Obtain a copy of the database’s certificate

For on-premise databases, the certificate that you need to establish a trusted connection will have been installed with the database and should be obtained from the relevant administrator. For cloud services, the provider will publish the relevant certificate - for example Azure and Amazon RDS.

Import the certificate into a truststore

Your certificate is very likely already in a form in which it can be imported into a local trust store (for example, .pem or .der). If not, then it can be converted using a tool such as openssl.

To import the certificate, use the keytool utility. This is included as part of the Java runtime environment that is shipped with MigrateDB. If you’re making a new store then you will be prompted for a password. Don’t lose it - you will need that password later!

keytool -keystore myStorePath -alias "My database certificate" -import -file databaseCertificate.pem

If you don’t specify a particular truststore then the default location is in your home directory: $HOME/.keystore (Linux) or %USER_HOME%\.keystore (Windows)

You can also check which certificates have been imported already:

keytool -keystore myStorePath -list

Make sure Java can access the truststore

You now need to configure your Java environment to be able to access these stores. This simply requires setting a couple of JVM properties. If you’re using the MigrateDB command-line, then you can set the JAVA_ARGS environment variable which the command-line script reads.


If you’re using the MigrateDB Java API directly, or another tool which invokes Java, then you should add these arguments to the place where you start the Java process:

java"myStorePath""myStorePassword" myJavaApplication

Configure MigrateDB’s database connection to use SSL

Most JDBC drivers will only use SSL if explicitly instructed to do so. The way to do this differs between drivers, but it is usually a matter of adding optional parameters to the URL. Details for specific databases can be found in the relevant documentation pages. For example, with Postgres, to use SSL simply requires the ssl parameter:


And you should now have secure connections to your database! If you don’t want to use SSL for particular databases - say you need SSL for a production database, but don’t need the overhead in a testing environment - then it is fine to carry out all the above steps and then simply switch SSL on and off as required in the database URL.
