API: hooks

There are three ways you can hook into the MigrateDB API.

Java-based Migrations

The first one is the most common one: Java-based Migrations when you need more power than SQL can offer you. This is great to for dealing with LOBs or performing advanced data transformations.

In order to be picked up by MigrateDB, Java-based Migrations must implement the JavaMigration interface. Most users however should inherit from the convenience class BaseJavaMigration instead as it encourages MigrateDB’s default naming convention, enabling MigrateDB to automatically extract the version and the description from the class name.

Java-based migrations as Spring Beans

By default, Java-based migrations discovered through classpath scanning and instantiated by MigrateDB. In a dependency injection container it is sometimes useful to let the container instantiate the class and wire up its dependencies for you.

The MigrateDB API lets you pass pre-instantiated Java-based migrations using the javaMigrations property.

Spring users can use this to automatically use all JavaMigration Spring beans with MigrateDB:

import migratedb.1.core.MigrateDB;
import migratedb.1.core.api.migration.JavaMigration;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;

ApplicationContext applicationContext = ...; // obtain a reference to Spring's ApplicationContext.

MigrateDB migratedb = MigrateDb.configure()
    .dataSource(url, user, password)
    // Add all Spring-instantiated JavaMigration beans
    .javaMigrations(applicationContext.getBeansOfType(JavaMigration.class).values().toArray(new JavaMigration[0]))

Java-based Callbacks

Building upon that are the Java-based Callbacks when you need more power or flexibility in a Callback than SQL can offer you.

They can be created by implementing the Callback interface.

The event argument tells you which Event (beforeClean, afterMigrate, …) is being handled and the context argument gives you access to things like the database connection and the MigrateDB configuration.

It is possible for a Java callback to handle multiple events; for example, if you wanted to write a callback to fire off a notification to a third party service at the end of a migration, whether successful or not, and didn’t want to duplicate the code, then you could achieve this by handling both afterMigrate and afterMigrateError:

public class MyNotifierCallback implements Callback {
    // Ensures that this callback handles both events
    public boolean supports(Event event, Context context) {
        return event.equals(Event.AFTER_MIGRATE) || event.equals(Event.AFTER_MIGRATE_ERROR);
    // Not relevant if we don't interact with the database
    public boolean canHandleInTransaction(Event event, Context context) {
        return true;
    // Send a notification when either event happens.
    public void handle(Event event, Context context) {
        String notification = event.equals(Event.AFTER_MIGRATE) ? "Success" : "Failed";
        // ... Notification logic ...

    String getCallbackName() {
        return "MyNotifier";

In order to be picked up by MigrateDB, Java-based Callbacks must implement the Callback interface. MigrateDB will automatically scan for and load all callbacks found in the db/callback package. Additional callback classes or scan locations can be specified by the migratedb.callbacks configuration property.

Custom Migration resolvers & executors

For those that need more than what the SQL and Java-based migrations offer, you also have the possibility to implement your own MigrationResolver coupled with a custom MigrationExecutor.

These can then be used for loading things like CSV-based migrations or other custom formats.

By using the skipDefaultResolvers property, these custom resolvers can also be used to completely replace the built-in ones (by default, custom resolvers will run in addition to built-in ones).

API: Javadoc ➡️